Welcome to Scratch-a-thon, the ultimate test of creativity and innovation for middle school
students! Dive into the world of Scratch and its sensor features to create groundbreaking projects
that showcase your ingenuity. This event is all about pushing the limits of what you can do with
Scratch, and the most inventive project will take home the prize.
● Participants will use Scratch to create scenarios that effectively utilise Scratch's sensor
● Emphasis will be on creativity and innovation in how the sensors are integrated into the
● Each participant must provide a video explaining how they used Scratch's sensors in their
● Scratch: Ensure you have access to Scratch and are familiar with its sensor features.
● Video Explanation: Create a video that clearly explains how you incorporated sensors into your project.
Guide to Participate:
1. Understand Scratch Sensors: Familiarise yourself with Scratch's sensor features. Tutorials
and guides are available on the Scratch website.
2. Design Your Project: Create an innovative scenario using Scratch, making the best use of
its sensors.
3. Record a Video: Make a video explaining your project and how the sensors were utilised. This will be a crucial part of your submission.
4. Submit Your Project: Follow the submission guidelines provided by the organisers to enter
your project and video into the competition.
Judging Criteria:
● Innovation: How creatively and effectively are the sensors used?
● Functionality: Does the project work as intended?
● Presentation: How well is the project explained in the video?
Tips for Success:
● Explore All Sensors: Take the time to understand all the different sensors available in
Scratch and think about unique ways to use them.
● Plan Your Project: Before you start coding, plan out your scenario and how the sensors will
be integrated.
Practice Your Presentation:
Ensure your video explanation is clear and concise, Scratch-a-thon is your chance to showcase your creativity and technical skills. Push the boundaries, highlighting the key features of your project.
Are you ready to create something truly think outside the box, and let your imagination run wild.
innovative with Scratch? The challenge awaits!